Did you know that each Amazon store has a different price?

Did you know that you can buy almost any product from Amazon in any Amazon store?

Save money by automatically comparing the price of a product you want to buy on Amazon in all Amazon stores. Easy, fast and simple thanks to http://savemoney.es

You just have to search in Amazon for the product you want to buy, and copy the page address in the search box http://savemoney.es. Press the search button and go. All Amazon prices of the product available will show. There, you can go directly to the Amazon site in the country of your choice, and proceed to buy the product, with your regular Amazon user, since all Amazon stores share user data, as well as addresses, and payment methods.

You can also search directly in http://savemoney.es the product you want to buy, introducing a text to find, or the ISBN code of a book if you know it, or the ASIN code if it’s an Amazon product and you know it.

In some cases there may not be much difference and shipping costs may make it more convenient to buy at the local store rather than ordering to another Amazon store. But sometimes we have found that products in Amazon Spain costing 206 €, may be acquired at Amazon France for 160 €, shipping included in both prices. It’s just an example of what you can save by using http://savemoney.es.