First of all, we must remind that all Amazon stores can be used with the same user name. In fact, shipping addresses and payment methods are also shared among different stores with the same user.
That is, if you already have a user in,,,, or, we can go to and identify with our Amazon user, being able to select the delivery address and payment method that we had set in,,,, or
Use to search the best price of a product of all Amazon stores.
To buy at you can use Google Translate, but the steps are very simple and similar to buying at any other Amazon store.
The first thing you have to do is to add the product to the shopping cart by clicking on the yellow button in the image below:
Then, the typical message that will tell us if we want to continue shopping or complete your order will appear. To start the order process , click the yellow button:
Here we fill with the username and password we already have in our regular Amazon store, and press the yellow button:
The configured addresses in our Amazon account will be displayed. We will press the yellow button below with the address where we want to receive our order:
If a red box appears, it means that we cannot ship the product to the selected address, or what is the same, does not send the product to our country (although this happens with very few products). But if it is possible to send it to our country, the shipping methods will show up (it usually appears only one), so choose the one that interests you and press the yellow button:
Credit cards with which we can pay us will appear below. Select one and click the yellow button:
In the end, the summary of our purchase will show up. There we will be able to see the entire order, with the shipping to our country included. This process can be repeated to calculate the final price, thus far, we have not ended the order and nothing will be charged to us. In case you really want to make the purchase, click on the yellow button and finalize the purchase process:
This way we can calculate the total price with shipping of a product from and place the order if we want to buy at the price offered by